Happy London Fashion Week!

So London Fashion Week all kicked off yesterday, very exciting! My day at work was pretty hectic, watching all the live streamed shows and being ON TOP of IT when it comes to tweeting about all the collections what’s in and what’s out! Very manic but exciting and FUN day woo! I was tweeting from the PushPRLondon account, if anyone wants to see what gibberish I was saying!

Tomorrow I get to go to Somerset House on behalf of Push PR and I’m going to be style spotting for their blog post next week, so if you see some loony girl running around with a camera annoying random people whilst trying not to trip over her skirt and look equally as stylish as those being papped…it’s probably going to be me.

So in aid of my trip to the most stylish place in the world at the moment, I HAD to get a new outfit! I ventured out in the what was sunny London and went to The East End Thrift Store as it’s only a 5 minute walk from me (very handy yet dangerous for my bank account) This place is my favourite vintage store in London. It has the most amazing stuff and it’s by far the cheapest! next weekend they are having a jumble sale something about fill a bag for a tenner? Not too sure on the details, either way I’ll be there with my tenner and bag!

Whilst I was there I purchased this absolute beauty! Which was only £10 CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!

I was very chuffed with the find because a few of the collections going down the run way at the moment seem to be Victorian inspired, it could definitely be seen in Corrie Nielsen and Felicity Brown’s collections at least and this definitely resembles that. (Ahead of the game for SS12, get in)

I then of course made my way to Brick Lane for a little looky. Towards the bottom of Brick Lane there is this bizarre shop, it has lots of old vintage furniture and basically looks like someones attic/garage. Today there was a young chap playing blues music on a vintage piano and singing away it was very impressive! He sounded a bit like Paolo Nutini, which is always good in my book! i’m not sure if he’s a weekly occurrence or just felt like busking today either way definitely look for him!

I’m going to finish this post with a thought from Angel tube station’s ‘travel updates’ board, because, quite frankly, that board is hilarious.


‘If you mated a Pitbull and a Shih Tzu, what would you call it?’

Vintage love

Since moving to east London I have accumalted a growing selection of vintage items due to living 10 minutes from Brick Lane. Although my bank account wouldn’t agree, this is amazing!

As we all know Brick Lane is renowned for it’s vintage shops but my two absolute favourite’s have to be Absolute Vintage which is on Hanbury Street, just off Brick lane about half way down and The Vintage Store at the bottom.

I’m currently sat here wearing in my black Levi high waisted classic shorts that I purchased from The Vintage Store yesterday. Vintage stores just prove what a rip off Topshop can be. My purchase yesterday was £20, I bought a dark blue pair from Glastonbury festival from Oxfam for a tenner, but my light blue pair, purchased from Topshop…£35. Definitely shed a tear over that when I purchased my Glasto bargain!

Anyway, here is a picture of the BEAUTIFUL victorian laced shirt I also purchased from The Vintage Store yesterday, of course in hipstamatic mode for full vintage effect..

I don’t think the picture does it justice.

In summary, go to this shop, it’s amazing and the sales assistants are lovely!